
Muscle memory is a funny thing. Something you only notice when it doesn’t work - you start connecting the dots backwards, figure out something’s not right, then realise it’s been muscle memory all along and you’ve been doing it impulsively. I have been a Reddit user for a real long time and when Apollo launched in one iPhone I got it on day one and was the only way I would use Reddit. I’d be on my MacBook and if I’d had to use Reddit I’ll grab my phone or iPad as that was the fastest and preferred way of…

Dear Spotify, don’t do this.

I have been on a premium trial of Spotify for 3 months now and today my tiral expires.  Yesterday I used Spotify like every other day, but it wasn’t like every other day because I saw the below screen every time I would switch to the Spotify app. I had no intention of paying for Spotify but behaviour like this would have lead me away, it's distasteful. I have used trials of Apple Music in the past and there is no way Apple Music was this intrusive trying to keep me in. Seeing this a few times, or on a…

Battery Health on iPhones

In another months time Apple will hold the keynote for the next generation iPhones. The new iPhone is now the old iPhone and there is a lot of conversation on Twitter about iPhones and battery health. I saw a screenshot of an iPhone 14 Pro that had 90% of battery health. 10% of drop in less than a year is concerning and you would not expect to happen on a phone that costs a grand.  I looked at my 14 Pro Max and it stands on 96% which is not that bad. I recall when I sold my 13 Pro…