
Muscle memory is a funny thing. Something you only notice when it doesn’t work – you start connecting the dots backwards, figure out something’s not right, then realise it’s been muscle memory all along and you’ve been doing it impulsively.

I have been a Reddit user for a real long time and when Apollo launched in one iPhone I got it on day one and was the only way I would use Reddit.

I’d be on my MacBook and if I’d had to use Reddit I’ll grab my phone or iPad as that was the fastest and preferred way of using the service. The Reddit website was cluttered and it still is, and it gave me an eye strain.

Later on I got the M1 MacBook Pro and Apollo was one of the first new apps I’d install on it. Although it was the Catalyst version of the iPad app it didn’t feel right at home on the Mac (putting a touch first app on a screen that you have to operate with a keyboard and mouse never feels intuitive), it was miles ahead of the Reddit website. I used the open in Apollo Safari extension so every time I clicked on a Reddit link on safari it would kick me into the Apollo and open up the thread. Switching from Safari to Apollo was jarring but it was something I’d happily put up with.

Everything was going really well until Reddit decided to cut off their API to 3rd party clients. By cut off I mean charging them extortionate prices where no 3rd party could afford to pay. And the only option was the official Reddit app.

I still use Reddit but my usage has gone down significantly, I deleted the Apollo app on my iPhone, iPad and Mac mainly because when I feel like killing time my muscle memory would kick in and start typing for “apo” on spotlight for Apollo to be the top hit and then get sucked it for a while only to be annoyed at myself for not doing something productive.

So in almost a healthy way I am spending my time in other productive means but the odd moment I need to go on Reddit I still find myself typing in “apo” waiting to see Apollo appear on spotlight only to remember this app is gone and I’ll have search for “Redd” for the Reddit app to appear.

The Reddit app is far less intuitive than Apollo ever was but I’ll stick to it now given that 3rd party Reddit clients are dead. It’s better than the website and I can only hope that this app gets better, even “borrow” ideas from apps like Apollo to be a good app.

It’s been around 6 weeks since Apollo had to be shut down and every single time I have to want to go to Reddit I still find myself looking for Apollo first. It’s amazing how Apollo for me was the whole access point into Reddit. I am sure there are hundreds of thousands of others that feel like this and that is what a really great app does for you.

Muscle memory as I said is a funny thing. I have to just be patient until my brain goes looking for Reddit instead of Apollo. And as long as the Reddit app stays mediocre as the way it is, I’ll be sure I don’t get sucked into it and lose hours of productivity. But I sure will always miss Apollo.